Running multiple versions of Go is simple. I see and hear chatter about it, and there are a few tools around to handle it for you, but it is so simple to do yourself that I’m surprised people reach for a tool to do this for them.

Mostly I run the latest stable version of Go, but for whatever reason (maybe I want to test out a release candidate), I do have multiple versions installed, and I don’t want multiple installations to clobber each other.

The following assumes you’re on some kind of *nix system, and you’re using Bash. Other OS’es and shells will be able to work as well with appropriate changes.

I like to keep my Go installations under ~/.go/versions. You can choose any location you like though.

mkdir -p ~/.go/versions

Let’s grab the latest version of Go (currently 1.6). I’m downloading the OS X archive here, but if you’re running another OS you would download the appropriate archive. Take a look at the Go Downloads page.

cd ~/.go/versions
tar -zxf go1.6.darwin-amd64.tar.gz
mv go go1.6
rm go1.6.darwin-amd64.tar.gz

Add the following environment variables to your ~/.bash_profile.

export GOPATH=~/p/go
export GOROOT=~/.go/versions/go1.6
export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin:$PATH

This is where I set my default version of Go.

Note : GOPATH is where your Go projects will live, and GOROOT is where the Go installation lives. Don’t confuse the two.

Start a new shell and you should have go on your path.

$ go version
go version go1.6 darwin/amd64


So for whatever reason I also want an older version of Go installed.

cd ~/.go/versions
tar -zxf go1.5.3.darwin-amd64.tar.gz
mv go go1.5.3

Too easy. You must be getting bored.

Now I can temporarily switch to the another version by exporting the desired GOROOT and prefixing my current $PATH with $GOROOT/bin. In this case I am switching to the freshly installed GO 1.5.3.

$ export GOROOT=~/.go/versions/go1.5.3
$ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
$ go version
go version go1.5.3 darwin/amd64

Great Success!